30: Fright Night (starring: HOTTIES.)

Fright Night – August 19, 2011
Starring: Anton Yelchin, Colin Farrel, David Tennant, Toni Collette, Imogen Poots, Christopher Mitz-Plasse, Dave Franco
Written by: Marti Noxon
Directed by: Craig Gillespie

The plot: “A teenager suspects that his new neighbor is a vampire.” – IMDB

My thoughts: I actually enjoyed this version more than the original and no, not just because I have the hots for David Tennant and Anton Yelchin (although it did help.) The writing was better, as was the acting and the plot changes definitely helped.

As opposed to the original in which Charley was the first (and only, for the most part) person to believe that his neighbor Jerry is a vampire, Charley in the 2011 version is reluctant to believe it. Only after Ed has provided some serious evidence (thanks to technology, oooh) and after he disappears, Charley is on board with the notion of vampires.

Colin Farrell actually gave a convincing performance as a hot but still off-putting vampire. In all honesty, I was surprised that he took this role as he has a tendency to pick the more serious, brooding parts. Well, either way, I didn’t hate it. I loved seeing Toni Collette as Anton’s mom. She was, of course, witty and super cool and what all mom’s should be.

But, as a mega-geek, I can’t not gush about the amazingness that was David Tennant. It was strange seeing him as a drunk and vulgar asshole who sashayed in leather pants and had tattoos and long hair. But I was loving it. I was loving it even more when he peeled off his costume and turned into a dark and sexy Doctor with that gorgeous hair. His role was excellent, perfectly hilarious and funny at the same time.

Tennant all Goth'd up.

Finally, this movie was written by Marti Noxon, one of the mastermind writers for the Buffy series and directed by Craig Gillespie, who directed Lars and the Real Girl which I gushed about like a schoolgirl in love. That cast plus these geniuses is enough to put me on board without a second thought.

Overall, it had an excellent script with nice comedic timing, just enough action and vampire stuff, and the 3D was actually pretty cool. Oh, and Lisa Loeb has a brief cameo in this.

And something fun? The closing credits song was a cover of Jay-Z’s “99 Problems” by Hugo. Check it out, it’s delish.

Stars: 4.5/5

25: Lars and the Real Girl (no, I can’t get enough Gosling)

Lars and the Real Girl – October 27, 2011
Starring: Ryan Gosling, Kelli Garner, Emily Mortimer, Paul Schneider
Written by: Nancy Oliver
Directed by: Craig Gillespie

The plot: “A delusional young guy strikes up an unconventional relationship with a doll he finds on the Internet.” – IMDB

My thoughts: What could have been a creepy, weird, unlikable movie that ruined the wonder that is Ryan Gosling, ended up being one of the most compelling movies I’ve ever seen. My heart swelled, my eyes might have gotten a bit clouded by tears, and I was just really blown away.

I don’t know what to say about this movie aside from the fact that I genuinely loved it. I was emotionally invested in all of the characters. I felt nervous when I thought one of the characters wouldn’t be so accepting of Lars’s “girlfriend” and when the people in how town embraced Bianca (the doll), it restored my faith in humanity.

It was a wonderful movie. I won’t waste a bunch of time gushing – but just see it.


‘Fright Night’ remake starring the best cast EVER.

Fright Night – August 19, 2011
Starring: Colin Farrell, Anton Yelchin, Toni Collette, David Tennant
Directed by: Craig Gillespie (“The United States of Tara”)
Written by: Marti Noxon
Based on the original film written by: Tom Holland

“Teenager Charley Brewster (Yelchin) guesses that his new neighbor Jerry Dandrige (Farrell) is a vampire responsible for a string of recent deaths. When no one he knows believes him, he enlists Peter Vincent (Tennant), the opportunistic host of his favorite TV show, to help him take down Jerry and his guardian.” – IMDB

My thoughts: FUCK. YES. This is me geeking out hardcore. Campy horror movies + Anton Yelchin + The Doctor? You cannot be serious. Clearly, the heavens have opened up and given us this movie. I’m excited to see Colin Farrell in a role that isn’t so typical of him (you know, hardass Irish man with rippling abs and a bad boy look). This is a must see for myself.