(The First) Trailer Party!

Welcome to the very first Trailer Party. A party in which I post some trailers for movies I’m pretty jazzed about. That’s all – easy, peasy, right?

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

This looks way better than The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. I’m going to be real, if Lee Pace could be in every scene, I’d be a happy camper. That man is…unreal. Oh, and I love dragons. And even Evangeline Lily looks pretty kickass.


What. In. The. Fuck. I don’t know whether I’m extremely excited for tremendously terrified to see James McAvoy like this. I vaguely remember sort of reading Irvine Welsh’s book (which this movie is based on) when I was much, much, much too young to be reading such…well, filth.

I’ll be at this opening day.

The East

I kind of dig Brit Marling. She started writing her own movies simply because she wanted to play certain characters in them, so she made it happen. Good for her. And she’s making cool, thought-provoking films. Plus, Alexander Skarsgard. Sorry guys, I’m boy-crazy.

Closed Circuit

Hm? What’s that? An English thriller/drama you say? Okay, I’m in. Honestly, it might be no good but I can’t not. Look at all those nice neutral colors and pleasant accents. Nice.

Runner, Runner

Uh…y’know, I’m at a loss with this one. Might end up being a surprise or it will be a flop as most will definitely predict.

Ready? Set. Film talk!